HavanaSi christening – Tropicana’18
HavanaSi keep summer's and christening's tradition! Again, this year dancers spent together the first weekend of June. HavanaSi thanks to everyone for: dances till the morning, pool party, sunbathing till everyone turned red like crawfish, tight volleyball competitions, MEGA team performances, wonderful mood, smiles, songs / karaoke, turkish night - there are no limits for your talents. Huge Thank You to Saulius for the most delicious dinner and the sweetest dessert and for Paulius for the toughest / refreshing morning exercise! 🕺💃🎉
European Cup 2019
HavanaSi team participated in European Cup 2019 in Liepaja, Latvia. We are excited and proud of the performance of the team, where the judges couldn't resist to the show and ranked the FIRST PLACE! HavanaSi Dance House has contributed to the national team of Lithuania. And Lithuania - in the overall ranking, only 5 points ahead of the Russian Federation, took the FIRST PLACE! HUGE Congrats! We thank the professional team of organizers for the great event, all the coaches for their work and dancers for the created mood, emotions
Salsa international 2019
HavanaSi dancers went to the seaside to Salsa International competition in Klaipeda. We are very proud of our dancers and their achievements. On behalf of all HavanaSi team we say GREAT THANK YOU! This year's discovery - our youngest participant - Agnete Sabulyte (10 years old), who has enchanted all her energy, love dancing and charisma. There was no indifference to HavanaSi's elegant duo - Agata and Žilvinas, who chose the romantic dance of Cuban Son. For the team of Vaidai, Gabija, Agata, Arvydas, Paulis, Žilvinas for the
Intensivo de Cuba
Intensivo de Cuba! The HavanaSi and City Dance project was launched for dancers to improve their dance skills. Dance weekend with coach, dancer from the Cuba - Hansel Rivero. It was nice to share energy with everyone, learn new moves and gain new experiences. 🕺💃🎉
First HavanaSi bday party – Cuba Autentica
The first HavanaSi birthday party passed like a thunder storm L-E-G-E-N-D-A-R-Y ️ Thanks to HavanaSi students, all dancers, sponsors and partners and all guests whom participated and created the authentic Cuba's atmosphere in HavanaSi birthday! Thank you for: Exclusive place - Milda Kubilienė Kupolas renginiams Cuban cocktails - Vilius Šukys Trendy Bar - Mobilus Baras Authentic coffee - Jurgita (MB "Nateca") Inimitable smoke - Cigar House A wonderful voice - Sophia Jasiulionytė Dances till the morning - Jurgis Ravietys Imprinted moments - Gintaras Jonaitis The most delicious pies in Cuba - Piestro For birthday co-ordinators - Jovilė
Workshops with R.Cortazar
HavanaSi is sharing with you moments from the weekend full of dance, positive emotions, priceless experience, new challenges and knowledge. Thanks for the opportunity to all Bachata Fever Lithuania team. We were very happy and proud to share our experience in this festival. Let's meet on the dance floor! 🕺💃🎉
El dia Cubano – Riga
HavanaSi is very glad that „Agua Latvia Salsa Pearls“ invited Agata and Žilvinas to their end of 2018 season closing event. HavanaSi is proud that team had an opportunity to share their knowledge in „Rueda for fun“ workshop and also improved their skills in workshops lead by other dance schools. In the evening dancers enjoyed „Candy“ themed party. 🕺💃🎉
HavanaSi team in Salsa international contest
The first and most impressive Salsa International competition at HavanaSi School. Three months of sweating in dance halls, nightless sleep, creative suffering, tears, laughter – completely faded away from emotions and joyful moments in the competition. Thanks a lot to the HavanaSi team for trust, determination and work. We are delighted with team achievements and are eagerly awaiting new challenges! Achievements: Category: Latino show big team Rising Stars Place: 1 st Choreography: Agata Mozol and Žilvinas Dragūnas Category: Latino show small team Open level - TRIO team Place: 3rd Choreography: Agata Mozol Category: Latino
HavanaSi “Pre-Christmas workshops ’17”
HavanaSi team says a huge thanks to everyone who joined the "Pre-Christmas workshops". We would like to share some moments with you!!! Reference to facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/HavanaSiCasaDeBaile/photos/
HavanaSi vakarėlis Vilnius Grand Resort
HavanaSi akimirkos iš lapkričio 25 d. Grand Resort Vilnius vakarėlio. HavanaSi komanda dėkoja visiems šokėjams už puikią atmosferą, nuotaiką bei pilną šokių aikštelę! Linkėjimai ir muchos besos :*