Rueda de casino – salsa dance style, particulary type of dancing in circle. Salsa’s music was first played in Latin American dance clubs and is an integral part of latin culture in Ed. Morales book “The Latin beat: The Rhythms and Roots of Latin Music, from Bossa Nova to Salsa and beyond”. Rueda – was born in Cuba’s capital o- Havana, a dance which spread in all over the world. Rueda de casino otherwise is called the “casino circle”. In circle, salseros dance in pairs, making certain shapes known to all dancers and they are said by one of the dancers – commander. The commander line is a leader, loudly shouting figures in Spanish/English. But in a noisy environment, it’s not so easy to hear it. So many of the dance patterns have hand signals. Figures are usually associated with certain exterior or environmental details. Rueda is a dance that gives energy to the whole group. If you are already in the “casino circle”, do not expect to escape from it. This is not only mutual communication, social dance, but also fun relaxation.
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