More about  HavanaSi dance house

HavanaSi dance house

HavanaSi Casa de Baile (“HavanaSi Dance House”) was established in 2017.
HavanaSi specializes in Caribbean dance styles. Caribbean dances – otherwise known as Latin dances include various branches of dance.
Havana Si Teachers invite you to get to know Cuban culture, learn to dance Cuban Salsa, Rueda de Casino, Cuban Son and join performance groups.
We would like to remind you that we are flexible, so we will be happy to participate and occupy your guests in your various events.
More about dance styles you can find out here.
3 Number of instructors
106 Number of dancers
24 Number of prizes
18 Number of projects
3 Mokytojų skaičius
89 Šokėjų skaičius
215006 Šokio žingsniai
2 Projektų skaičius